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Guardian Emergency Eyewash Portable Emergency Eye Wash & Drench Hose Combination Unit


Ideal for areas where a continuous supply of portable water in unavailable. Reduce injury - rinse eye contaminants away quickly with this easy to operate station. Self-contained combination unit is great for low traffic or low hazard areas, or where installing plumbed equipment is not feasible. Stainless steel pressurized tank has built-in carry handles, air intake fitting, pressure gauge, and pressure relief valve. Features two spray heads with flip-top dust covers, internal flow control valve and filter, and 1/2" chrome plated brass, stay-open ball valve with flag handle. Delivers 0.65 GPM for 15 minutes. 6' reinforced PVC Drench hose has a single GS-Plus™ spray head with flip top dust cover, internal flow control and filter, and chrome-plated brass squeeze valve with stainless steel lever. 15-gallon unit offers approximately 10 usable gallons and includes 8 oz. bottle of bacteriostatic additive. Extra Aquasep water preservative item# 24098, sold separately. Complies with ANSI standards.

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